Cancellation & Refund Policy

Cancellation& Refund Policy
(includes the terms related to Foreign Remittances)

We thank you for registering / subscribing with/at THINKTANKER(“THINKTANKER”; here the company shall be meant and be interpreted as company, registered under Indian Laws and has Indian Jurisdiction as applicable), for company’s services / products as may be subscribed, entered upon into through a contract or otherwise as may be offered by the company from time to time (here further jointly known and addressed as “Offerings” by the company); while we appreciate your association with us, we do understand that there may be certain concerns related to cessation of your continuation with our association. To enable your smooth exit/ transition, we hereby lay down / share the “Cancellation and Refund Policy” for better understanding and acceptance by users; proceeding with the usage of the offerings by the company, shall deem fit that the user has accepted the “Terms and Conditions”, “Privacy Policy” and this Cancellation and Refund Policy (including the terms for foreign remittances). The users / other party entering into any agreement and /or contract are advised not to proceed before accepting these documents. The detailing of the Cancellation and Refund Policy (including the terms for foreign remittances) are as below:

  • Company is hereby authorized to collect the compensation, professional fees, service fees, license fees or otherwise depending upon the offering of the company from time to time. Such collection shall be in line with the commercial agreement clause which has been agreed between the company and the user/ other party. In case of any misleading, fraudulent activity or otherwise by the user/other party, company reserves the right to cancel the further engagement with no refund applicable.
  • Cancellation: The association with the company shall be purely determined by the Terms of Association as may be mentioned amongst the parties in their commercial agreement. Generally, the terms of association consist of due notice period to be provided by other party to company as company is majorly as a service provider. Hence the cancellation shall be purely in terms of the clauses mentioned in the on-to-end agreement between the parties. Meanwhile, both parties agree that the cancellation shall in no manner be prejudicial to the rights of other party, including but not limited to, the intermediaries and facilitators who enables the financial transactions between the parties like payment gateway service provider, 3rd party tools etc. Any dispute which may arise due to cancellation shall be internal between the parties and shall be handled in accordance to the applicable Laws of India from time to time.
  • Foreign Remittances and Terms related to the same: User/ other party clearly understands that the payment it makes for the offerings made to the company is as per satisfactory performance by the company’s offering and there remains no dispute related to the same. Company may have its own payment gateway and/or other payment mechanism by which the user/ other party utilizing the offerings of the company may have to make the payments as direct foreign remittances to the company by using the terms of that payment gateway/ interface. By agreeing to remit payment through this payment interface, company user/other party completely agrees by the terms of usage of that respective payment gateway interface and irrevocably consents that in no manner shall it dispute any actions or services of such intermediary payment service company. User/ other party clearly understands that the intermediary is purely a service provider to facilitate the payment transaction as may be decided between the parties and hence the user/ second party shall completely indemnify such payment gateway / payment interface provider completely and shall in no manner initiate any claim or actions upon / against such payment interface.
  • Additionally, user/ other party agrees that it shall pay all the additional amount payable to such payment service provider like, but not limited to, any or all of the: foreign exchange fees, convenience fees, transaction fees, service charges etc.
  • Refund Policy: Company will raise invoice for the above which shall be inclusive of applicable Taxes, if any. Company has a clear policy of “NO REFUND”, once the payment has been made. In exceptional cases, and at company’s sole discretion, company may agree to refund a part of the amount received, however the same shall only be considered under force majeure event and/or as and when company may deem fit at their sole discretion. User/ other party clearly understands that the payment made to the company is purely in the basis of satisfactory offerings delivered by the company and under no circumstances shall user/ other party demand any refund and/or claim back from the company and /or from the payment gateway / interface which is used by the company to collect the payment. The payment once made, shall in no manner be refunded under any circumstances.

Additional Terms:

  • You (User / Other Party, generally offshore / overseas client of company) agree to pay the invoice amount to the company pursuant to the Payments Terms.
  • In rarest of the rare case, if the company at its sole and exclusive discretion decides to refun any amount due to force majeure, there shall be a cancellation fees levied upon each cancellation / refund request and the refund amount shall be subject to such cancellation fees. Such cancellation fees shall be at least the amount of the average monthly payout which user/other party has made in its last 3 months to the company.

Refund Request’s Inspection:

  • The cancellation / refund request once received, Company reserves the right to inspect the cancellation request and the authenticity/acceptability of the reasons thereof.
  • If your cancelation request is approved by Company, Company will initiate a refund to your account details as may be provided (or original method of payment).
  • Company shall take a minimum time of 30 working days to process the same internally.
  • You will receive the credit within a certain amount of days, depending on your card issuer’s policies.
  • Under any case, the maximum aggregate refund liability and the associated costs thereof upon Company shall not exceed $ 100.


You understand and acknowledge that appropriate governmental agencies, departments or authorities (the “Tax Authority “) where our office or residence is located may require Taxes to be collected from users/ other party and to be remitted to the respective Tax Authority. The laws in jurisdictions may vary, but these Taxes may be required to be collected and remitted as a percentage of the offering fees set by Company. It may be noted that the tax amount as may be collected from users/ other party, shall not be refunded under any circumstances as they are either paid or subject to be paid to appropriate tax authority. You understand that the tax amount is not under ownership of Company and hence are not subject to refund.


For any dispute or claim, courts at Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India shall have the sole and exclusive jurisdiction. Any user/ other party who is transacting with the company in any manner, irrevocably provides its consent to this Ahmedabad Jurisdiction without any further ambiguity or conflict in applicability towards any other jurisdiction.
