iOS UITABLEVIEW tutorial using SWIFT
In most of the application you will need to use UITABLEVIEW. UITABLEVIEW is a list of data we are displaying. The main …
Using web-jar in Spring boot, Ensure IDE automatically Downloads POM dependencies
While learning spring boot, I came across feature known as web-jars. WebJars are very helpful for static content management. I.e you don’t …
552 Disk full – Delete unwanted files on CentOs server
Running out of the storage space is very common problem. If we’ve GUI interface available with then its easy to clean and …
Home Automation and Security System
This project investigates the potential of ‘Full Home Control’, which is the aim of the Home Automation and Security Systems. The analysis …
Home Automation System
Controlling home appliances using GSM and Arduino In this module, we are building a home automation system, where one can control the …
Remote Weather Station using DHT11 Humidity Sensor, Arduino and GSM Modem
DHT11 is a basic, low-cost digital temperature and humidity sensor. It provides real time readings of the humidity basis on the current …
Effective use of GSM modem using AT Commands
Part 1 Call Originating and Terminating from GSM to Mobile Device and vice versa Case 1 : Call Originating and Terminating from …
How to use Laravel Jobs and Laravel Events
Laravel is changing and upgrading very fast. In the earlier branch laravel 4.x it was easy for new developer to adopt framework …
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